Hi! It's Dana. A few days ago, my illusions about being invincible were shattered. Crazy, right? You thought I was invincible too, I bet! Anyway, I am apparently human after all, and being human, I have a tendency to make mistakes.
I was biking home from an ELAB meeting (Emerging Leaders in the Arts Buffalo) at 464 Gallery on Amherst Street. I turned onto Elmwood Ave, and headed south. When I was near McKinley High School, I tried to go over a curb that was flat to the road (but a different, more slippery material), and- bam!- I was on the ground before I knew it. This happened because I didn't follow Jon's VERY specific instructions about NEVER crossing a curb without turning sharply into it! This video explains the situation in greater detail: http://youtu.be/ctuiBawN3uw
The point of sharing this with you is to bring awareness to a.) the importance of learning AND PRACTICING proper and safe biking maneuvers, like crossing a curb at LEAST at a 45 degree angle (but preferably a 90), and b.) the importance of wearing a helmet. My helmet saved me from a possible concussion- who knows? I tell you, after this experience I will NEVER be without it, and yes, you now have permission to yell at me if you see me riding sans helmet. :)
I also made some silly stick figure sketches of the accident reconstruction so that you and I can laugh at me together. Enjoy! In the meantime, please learn and follow the rules of the road on your bike, and don't be like me. Cheers!