Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Hi!  We're really excited to launch Eco Buffalo!  Eco Buffalo will be our diary of trying to make changes in our own lives, whether related to transportation, food, buying local, and attending events that are in line with our ethical standards, etc.  We will include not only our own stories, but interviews with and articles about those people and organizations that are making a difference here in the Queen City/("Green City").  We're a husband and wife team; Jonathon Furman and Dana Saylor, and we're doing this because we want to live and model green and sustainable change in Buffalo, NY and beyond.

We were moved to make drastic changes for several different reasons: we became vegetarian two years ago and learned a great deal about the corporate food industry; we came into contact with great local organizations such as Buffalo First, Buffalo Car Share, and Green Options Buffalo and they are inspiring to us; and also we have spoken with many friends and colleagues in Buffalo about the kinds of things that SHOULD be happening to make positive, lasting change.  Oh yeah, and- we watched "No Impact Man."  We've put a real dent in our paper product usage, among other things.  :)

Seriously, though, we are just a small part of the greater Green movement happening in Buffalo, the United States, and the world.  We're going to try our best to make changes big and small, and we'll be sharing the successes and challenges with you via this forum.  Please follow us and "Like" our Facebook page so you can keep in touch and contribute your ideas, suggestions, and experiences. Thanks...stay tuned.


  1. Your blog sounds interesting. Can readers subscribe by e-mail?

  2. Connie, enter your email below via the link "subscribe by email" to keep track of our misadventures. thanks!

  3. Very interesting! I look forward to many informative and educational posts.

  4. where is this link you speak of?

  5. If you can't see that link, please "Follow" with Google friend connect- top right. :)
